End of June 2022, 3E invited all its employees from the foreign offices to come to its headquarters in Brussels. The objective? To reinforce 3E’s collaborative culture, strengthen relationships across the different teams and countries, and celebrate our achievements. The result? A full week of trainings, exchange, fun activities, team buildings and great time together.

Testimonials from 3E employees
Jesús, PV Consultant: "I have been working at the Barcelona office for 10 months. Meeting people from all the offices and teams was a great way to bridge the gap between colleagues, to establish a bond beyond the screen. For me this really means a change and makes you feel part of the project beyond your office.”
Beatrice, Sales Development Representative: “I have recently joined 3E and the Midsummer Gathering was a great way for me to get to know my Belgian colleagues better and to finally meet my colleagues from abroad in person! It was the perfect opportunity to improve my skills with training sessions but also to connect with people and to listen to their amazing stories”.
Learning, social & fun activities
Besides several training sessions and internal meetings, lots of side activities were organised, like a guided tour of the city center of Brussels, a team running in the Sonian forest, sushi & pizza lunches, a garden afterwork, a photoshoot, a teambuilding at the accrobranche, an outdoor city game, a memorable party at Plein Publiek, etc.
Jesús explains: “The activity I enjoyed the most was the Escape Brussels teambuilding, funny way to both discover the city and get to know your colleagues. In my view, this whole week was about sharing, discovering, and learning, which are key values to 3E's company culture”.
Baptiste, Business Developer in Paris, says: “This midsummer gathering was such a fresh breath of energy. Glad to meet colleagues from offices all around the world to discuss about business, challenges and to get to know each other at a personal level. Best week ever since I joined 3E, looking forward to our next gathering! Feeling all pumped up”.

Trust & be trusted, going for excellence and winning together
“Our offices in Barcelona, Cape Town, Toulouse, Chennai, Brussels and Paris have been growing a lot in the past years. In the meantime working remotely has been the norm for a while. So I think we were all very keen to getting back all together to feel again this friendly sense of community that is so typical of 3E, as well as to share it with the new colleagues,” says Violette from the marketing team.
Beatrice confirms: “I believe spending a week all together has really enhanced team spirit and cooperation. And if we know how to work hard, we also know how to play hard and dance the night away at our parties!”

Willing to join our teams?
3E teams are working from all over the world and are on the lookout for new colleagues with all kinds of profiles. From SaaS Technical Account Manager, Support Engineer, Legal Counsel, Product Manager, to PV & Wind Consultant, we have a lot of open vacancies. If you feel like joining the renewable energy transition with us, get a look at our job opportunities and apply now!