3E launched a new web-based tool generating instantaneous automated reports on the accuracy of your solar data sensors.
According to a study carried out by iLab, 3E’s R&D department, 50% of the sensors are underestimating the yearly irradiation, possibly due to lack of calibration, incorrect alignment or lack of cleaning.
Based on 3E’s extensively validated satellite-based data, the Solar Sensor Check’s algorithms enable you to determine whether your solar sensors are functioning correctly, or whether recalibration or maintenance is needed.
Increased accuracy
The Solar Sensor Check analyses the accuracy of an irradiance sensor based on measurements, indicates what is wrong and determines the impact on the irradiation quantification. 3E’s satellite irradiation data measures the deviation in terms of data recording completeness, sensor orientation/inclination, and calibration using our advanced algorithms. The results are visualized and explained in a clear summary. 3E’s Solar Data Service provides access to the full historical period and up-to-date solar irradiation data for the timely detection of production deviations for an increased profitability.
Open web platform
Because this tool is easily accessible through solardata.3e.eu, anyone can upload data and easily determine if their sensor is still functioning correctly, or if it needs maintenance or re-calibration. Our data and algorithms are there to serve you and improve your operations as well as your yield and profitability.
Constantly validated
In 2017, 3E developed its new satellite-based irradiance data service that makes use of the most advanced Cloud Physical Properties (CPP) models. With this high-granularity and quality solar irradiation data, you can calculate bankable key performance indicators and detect production deviations. In 2018, third party validations confirmed the excellent quality of our satellite-based irradiation data, but still we challenge ourselves. Over 300 high quality stations spread across Europe and Africa are now used within our validation framework helping us further improving the accuracy of our satellite-derived solar irradiation data.
Developed by experts
Since 1999, 3E is a data and technology company, enriching data and developing models to create added value and help our clients make the most profitable decisions. Our in-house R&D department, together with our international team of solar consultants feed our data models and enable us to present futureproofed solutions every day, bridging the gap between solar technology and the solar business in a transparent and profitable way.
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