3E’s yearly seminar on the latest trends in renewable energy has become a “winter classic” in the agenda of our customers and partners from the banking sector. However, following the rapidly-changing renewable energy market dynamic, we wanted to give a different flavour to this year’s seminar. So on November 26th we hosted a seminar specifically geared towards investors and project developers… and it was a success!
The day started early with coffee, juice and croissants, and very nice chats amongst the participants and the 3E team present at the event. Geert Palmers and Werner Coppye, co-founders of 3E, welcomed our guests with a short introduction on the latest updates from our side and a truly inspiring talk on digitalisation and interoperability, introducing 3E’s asset and operations management platform SynaptiQ as a key enabler for the digitalisation of the solar & wind industry.
But of course we had more inspiring content to share, so Filip Smeets, Managing Director at Hydrogenics, took the floor to share his view on how hydrogen and renewable energies will coexist in the near future regarding storage. Then, 3E’s Wind Consultant Nicolas Meerts addressed the very hot and urgent topic of end of lifetime of wind assets. Nicolas described the latest strategies on lifetime extension, repowering and decommissioning that 3E is implementing with its customers.
After this first part (and more coffee!) Guillaume Tixier, Senior Solar Consultant at 3E, gave an insightful view on two of the latest and quickly-growing PV technologies, i.e. floating solar and bi-facial module technology. Guillaume gave us a unique perspective on the potential gains and risks to consider when talking about these technologies. Finally Antoon Soete, Strategic Consultant, and Andries De Brouwer, Grids & Markets Consultant, provided clear explanations on Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPAs), the different mechanisms that are being implemented in the market and why CPPAs are becoming key drivers of some of the new renewable energy business models.
Santiago Estrada, Commercial Director at 3E, concludes after the event:
“It was very inspiring to see so many of our customers and partners joining us and participating so actively during the sessions. It is clear that the interest for new trends in technologies, solutions and business models is higher than ever. 3E, with its 20-year expertise in renewables, will of course continue to innovate and bring the result to our customers and partners."
Interested in those topics? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!