Picture courtesy of Enisolar
The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, better known as the ESMAP program, is a global, multidonor technical assistance trust fund administered by the World Bank and cosponsored by 13 official bilateral donors. The ESMAP Renewable Energy Resource Mapping Initiative is a World Bank supported platform with the goal to invest analytical and advisory services to low and middle income countries in order to assist them in developing and scaling-up sustainable energy solutions, in particular in biomass, small hydro, solar and wind. This is done through technical assistance and policy advice on one hand and knowledge exchange on the other hand.
Since late 2014 already, 3E has been working intensively within the ESMAP program, delivering consulting services on four national wind mapping exercises within the countries of Nepal, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Papua New Guinea.
To further build on this cooperation, 3E recently participated in the ESMAP-led selection process to establish a list of prequalified, experienced suppliers for solar measurements. 3E is therefore happy to announce to be part of the Roster of Firms for the provision of solar measurements to the Renewable Energy Resource Mapping Initiative managed by the World Bank.